For Teresa McLeod, exercise has always been a positive force in her life. But it wasn’t until she was 55 that she discovered the power of yoga – and the impact it could have on cancer survivors like her.
Teresa first found a lump in her breast in 1989, while she and her husband were raising five young children. She underwent a mastectomy and six months of chemotherapy, and eventually breast reconstruction. She has now been cancer-free for 33 years, but still remembers the impact treatment can have on a patient’s body.
That’s why, after she first became interested in yoga at age 55, Teresa decided to use the practice to help cancer patients feel a little more comfortable in their bodies. Now a certified yoga instructor, Teresa leads weekly yoga classes via Zoom designed for cancer patients and their caregivers. Yoga promotes deep stretching and breathing, enhancing overall health and allowing cancer patients to relax. There are several more benefits to yoga for cancer patients as they walk through the treatment process.
Learn more about Teresa’s journey with breast cancer and yoga, as well as her class at CARTI, in 501 Life here. If you’re interested in joining Teresa’s yoga for cancer patients class, click here to register through our Bridge programs.