Chad Launius’ Story | Malvern firefighter survives a five-month battle with squamous cell carcinoma

As seen on KATV. Watch the full story HERE.  Chad Launius has been a firefighter for 15 years, currently serving as a captain in Malvern. His livelihood involves risking his life to save others. He never could have imagined the type of fire he’d be dealing with one night in October 2018. “[I] woke up in … Continued

Stan Scott’s Story | Little Rock firefighter discovers colon cancer after wife persuades him to see doctor

As seen on Fox16. Watch full interview HERE.  Colon cancer is a disease that does not discriminate based on age, race or gender. Stan Scott knows all about that. He’s in his early 30’s and fighting colon cancer. But like so many men, it took a woman to help him figure out something was not quite right. For … Continued

Sharon House’s Story

Cancer can be an intimidating disease, and seeing the bright side can be nearly impossible in the face of a cancer diagnosis. But for Sharon House, maintaining a sense of joy is what helped her fight. “I know that nobody wants cancer, but you have to keep your spirits up,” Sharon said. On February 15, … Continued

Calli & Lindley “Don” Ellison’s Story

Cancer is tough. It’s the news nobody wants to get – not for themselves or for their loved ones. That is exactly what happened to Calli Ellison in June when her husband, “Big Don,” a Dallas resident now living in Rose Bud, Arkansas, was diagnosed with colon cancer. But strong faith and a positive outlook … Continued

Jami Grove’s Story

March 16th, 2015 began as a normal day for Jami Grove. But after a routine mammogram and ultrasound, the day ended with a diagnosis of breast cancer. A lumpectomy confirmed her worst fears – breast cancer.  Several months later, on her birthday, Jami received the results from a pet scan, which showed metastatic breast cancer.  … Continued

Lauren Miller’s Story | Breast Cancer Month

Lauren Miller of Benton, Ark., was not a candidate for breast cancer. She was young. She had no family history. Yet, there she was, the month after her 29th birthday, face to face with a stage three invasive carcinoma her2 positive diagnosis. When she found the lump, she was sitting in a hospital waiting room … Continued

Lee Wilson’s Story

“In the Fight Against Cancer, There’s No Better Friend than YOU!” Lee Wilson and members of the CARTI crew I can’t tell you enough how much your messages of hope mean to patients like me. Cancer’s been part of my life for much too long. It stripped me of my mother and father. And I … Continued

Erica Rodgers’ Story

When Erica Rodgers was diagnosed with breast cancer, she didn’t have to fight her battle alone. She had her husband Brian, her family and friends, CARTI, and you in her corner! “I was scared, but CARTI had everything I needed.” Just over a year ago, Erica Rodgers’ regular mammogram revealed a tumor in her right … Continued

Wendy Wells’ Story

“You Helped Wendy Beat Cancer, and Now You and She are Teammates.” Wendy was only 23 when she was diagnosed with cancer. As a survivor, she joins you in giving to the CARTI Foundation so others can triumph, too! No 23-year-old expects cancer. Wendy Wells sure didn’t. She thought she had some kind of infection. … Continued

Keisha Pittman’s Story

While attending a play, Keisha Pittman felt a pain in her neck, a temporary discomfort she attributed to straining to see the action on stage. It wasn’t until intermission when she looked in the mirror that she saw the left side of her neck was noticeably swollen. The next morning she visited her primary care … Continued